Monday, September 24, 2012

IT Transformation 2012 - Conference, Europe - September 25, 2012

September 25-26, 2012 | Berlin, Germany| Steigenberger Hotel
IT Transformation 2012 will look at the critical role of information technology in the success of significant business transformations.
At this forum, speakers from BP Oil International (UK), Delphi (France), Italian Railways Group (Italy), and SMA Solar Technology (Germany), and many more will share practical examples of how their organizations developed transformational programs to improve business value.
Peter Brünenberg, vice president of MEGA’s German, Austrian, and Swiss operations, will speak about how companies are driving business and IT improvements through application portfolio management (APM) initiatives. He will discuss ways for organizations to achieve success in business performance by creating revolutionary APM programs that drive real transformation. Â
MEGA, executive co-sponsor of the conference, will demonstrate a new solution for APM, which was designed to help companies achieve IT transformation. Companies are using APM as a highly effective change agent that converts organizations into lower-cost, more efficient, business-oriented organizations delivering better corporate performance.

MEGA for APM – Application Portfolio Management - Webinar - September 25, 2012

Mega SuiteCome MEGA aiuta ad ottimizzare il patrimonio applicativo delle aziende

Web Conference
Martedì 25 settembre 2012 - dalle 15.00 alle 16.00


IT Leaders “pains”
  • Too much systems & technologies standards cumulated over the years: competencies too expensive to maintain.
  • We do not know how many applications we have in the group.
  • We still pay for maintenance and licenses for some we don’t use.
  • Many redundancies between applications after several mergers & acquisitions.
  • Reduction of IT budget (objective: 800 to 500 applications).
  • It is difficult to manage globally the IT strategy due to decentralized organization.
  • Our business has totally changed: it is impossible to design our future IT landscape without assessing the existing one.

How to optimize and govern your applications portfolio ? - Webinar - October 2, 2012

Mardi 2 octobre 2012 â€" 10h à 11h

Présentation de notre nouvelle solution MEGA APM

Au fur et à mesure de leur développement et de leur expansion géographique, les entreprises ont accumulé un nombre considérable d’applications diverses et variées. De nombreuses applications apparaissent redondantes, sous-utilisées, ou même obsolètes vis-à-vis des besoins métiers.  En plus du coût pour les maintenir et les faire évoluer, elles peuvent avoir des conséquences graves en termes de risque et sécurité en raison de leur vulnérabilité.
Les DSI subissent une forte pression pour fournir des services IT toujours innovants.  Sans vision claire de leur infrastructure globale comme de l’utilité précise de chaque application, cela représente un défi de taille. Avec des budgets réduits, la gestion de leur portefeuille d’applications est une de leurs priorités.